Tuesday, June 24, 2014

How to work towards your own enslavement

By now I hope everyone's familiar with the privacy issues related to Google, Facebook and other internet companies.  Here is an interesting talk about it:

The most important point: what are they doing with your data?  They are building electronic models of you so that they can predict your behaviour.

If it is not yet a theorem that prediction implies control, then it should be.  This has been shown for simple systems: assuming we have good knowledge of the system dynamics, small perturbations of a chaotic system can be used to control it .  In one position I was working with the "singular vectors" of weather systems.  These are based on the integrated tangent vector and tell you in which direction, approximately, you have to perturb the system to get the biggest result.  The intended use was for prediction, but I have a bigger idea: use them to control the weather.  If I don't get to this, someone else will eventually.  We set up heat pumps and fans/turbines in strategic locations and use those to drive the system to its desired state.  Hell, they probably use all the wind farms in Europe for this purpose already.

If prediction implies control in physical systems, it is even more so in human affairs.  When I was a kid I used to play a game with my brother called, "Stratego."  It is a bit like chess, but with the conceit that the rank of all the pieces are hidden from the opposing player.  Often I feel like this is my position in life: my hand is open--I am playing chess, while the elites are playing poker.

The models they make for humans are actually a lot less sophisticated.  Mainly these are statistical models.  Statistical models that could be built, for instance, from my libAGF software.  I have primarily applied the software to the observation side of things, namely retrieving data from satellites.  Recently a fellow e-mailed me asking for help with the software.  It turns out he was rewriting the whole thing in Matlab so his company could use it without any copyright issues.  Since requesting a donation from either him or his company, I haven't heard back.

There are still so many improvements I can make on this software and at times I work daily on it.  In fact the work never ends.  At the moment I am not getting a penny for it and I'm not sure I ever did so directly.  I suspect this is part of the elite's plan as well: encourage the development of "open systems" so that they can have as much free software (and plenty of other stuff) to steal as they need.  Software that will ultimately be used for extortion, repression and control.  Sure, if I'm not willing to do it, there are two dozen others ready to step in to my shoes.  Sure there are already dozens, probably hundreds of other pieces of software that will do the same thing just as well.  LIBSVM and LVQ/SOMPAK are just two examples.  But I don't think I'm willing anymore to personally help brick in the walls of my own penitentiary.

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